The leaders and parents of our students would like to ask for your cooperation on several items:

  • Emergencies: In case of an emergency the children should receive medical aid from a doctor. We have the parents’ complete understanding as well as written permission for this. If an emergency should occur, please contact us at the hotel number previously listed or on our cell phones.
  • Disobedience: If, while in your home, the children do anything that you do not want them to do, please tell them clearly to stop. They have been instructed to obey you as they would their own parent or teacher. If you have any trouble in this regard, call the leaders’ hotel and we will take care of this promptly.
  • Postcards: Every day the children are to write a postcard home to their families and teachers. They have a supply of cards and stamps with them. Please remind them to write and help them get them sent out.
  • Meals: The children are used to eating three meals a day. Eating just brunch and dinner is not part of the Japanese culture and would seem as if they weren’t being fed as they should be. Many families have often said to the students, “When you are hungry, please help yourself to anything in the refrigerator.” Though this is common to the American culture, this is something that a Japanese student would feel strange doing-- even if they were hungry.
  • Laundry & Showers: The children will have dirty clothes after their week at camp with the horses and motorcycles. We would appreciate it if you could help them wash their clothes to help prepare for the rest of the tour. They have been instructed to bring out their clothes for washing on Saturday or Monday. We would also appreciate if you could see to it that the kids shower daily. They may need to be taught how to use the shower in your home, as everything is different than at home in Japan, and may be different than what they learned at camp.
  • Gifts: The students may give you some little gifts. This is a Japanese custom and is an expression of thanks. They do not expect to receive any gifts from you in return. However, our children and their parents would appreciate it if you would give them a picture of your family. Most of the children have a camera with them, so you could just let them take some pictures. Also, please give them your name and address so that they can write to you if they wish. If you do decide to give a gift, please feel free to do so, but not in the form of cash.
  • Sleeping Hours: We would like the children to go to bed no later than 10:00 P.M. The children will be tired coming out of camp and will need plenty of sleep during their stay with you. Everything is very new and exciting, but it is important that they get rested to keep them healthy for the rest of the trip.
  • Spending Money: Each child has $20 that they will want to spend during home-stay for souvenirs. If you can get a chance to visit a mall (or Wal-Mart and Target) it would give them a good look at American life as well as an opportunity to do some shopping. It would be appreciated if the children can buy some Seattle or Washington state souvenirs.
  • Communications: The ability of the children to communicate in English is quite limited. They can understand more than they can speak, but even their ability in comprehension is somewhat limited. Speaking slowly always helps, and if they do not seem to understand certain words, you can try rephrasing it. Even if someone in the home happens to know Japanese, we would prefer that you try to stick to English for their experience.

Important Policy

We have many policies at MeySen that exist to help nurture and preserve the reputation and integrity of the school. The parents of our students trust that we will properly care for their children at school and on all of the various trips and activities of which the U.S. Trip is only one. We do not take this trust lightly. Because of this, we do not allow male staff members to have any physical contact with female students of this age. Specifically, male teachers do not play games that involve touching female students. They may not tap a girl’s shoulder, pat her on the head, carry her, or touch her for any reason.
Our girls and their parents understand this policy, and we have promised them that it will also be observed during the trip by the camp staff as well as during homestay. This may be difficult to understand, but we must have complete understanding and cooperation on this point. If you have any questions or require further clarification of this policy, please contact any group leader.